General information

We, at WIT(collectively, “we” or “the “Company”), are committed to protect the privacy of our business partners who are licensed to use our software (“the “Software”) and End users which have access to any of the data resources monitored by our Software (“you” or “End Users”).

We encourage End Users to read this “Software Privacy Policy” (“Privacy Policy”) carefully and use it to make informed decisions.

By using our Software, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, and your continued use of the Software constitutes your ongoing agreement to it.

If you don’t agree to the Terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use our Services.

What information do we collect?

We collect two types of information when you or your End Users are using our Software:

• The first type of information is individually identifiable information, namely information that identifies an individual or may with reasonable effort identify an individual (“Personal Information”), which includes the following:

• The second type of information is unidentified and non-identifiable information pertaining to you or to your End Users, which may be made available or gathered via your use of the Software (“Non-Personal Information”)

• Non-Personal Information which is being collected may include usernames, configurations, logs related to Software and End User’s (e.g. event logs), browsing events and technical information transmitted by your device, including certain software and hardware information (e.g., the type of browser and operating system the device uses, language preference, access time and the domain name from which you or your End Users are linked to the Software; etc.).

• In addition, there is non-mandatory information that can be shared by the End Users such as Address, VCard, operating System, Location. This information will only be shared with explicit User acceptance, but will be kept in our server.

• End User’s Information: We will collect the End User’s phone number during the registration process on our app. Other information like email address, other phone numbers, nickname, address, and company, will only be shared with explicit User acceptance but will be kept on our server.

• When registered, the app can upload the Contact List, SMS and CALL log data into a server in order to synchronize for multi-device support

How do we use the information we collect?

We use the Personal Information for legitimate business purposes only, such as:

• To set up your account and to provide our services to you and to your End Users;

• To identify and authenticate End Users’ access to the Software;

• To obtain End Users’ Feedback with regard to the Software;

• To improve our Software;

• To support and troubleshoot our Software and to respond to queries; and

• To investigate violations and enforce our policies, and as required by law, regulation or other governmental authority, or to comply with a subpoena or similar legal process or respond to a governmental request.

We use the Personal Information only to the extent required and while maintaining your right to privacy.

With whom we share the information we collect?

We do not rent, sell or share your Personal Information with third parties.

In addition, End User’s Personal Information may be disclosed to other trusted third party service providers or partners for the purpose of: (i) storing Personal Information on our behalf (e.g., cloud computing service providers); (ii) assisting us with our business operations and Software and improving it (e.g., processing and analyzing End Users’ Feedback); and (iii) performing research, technical diagnostics and analytics with regard to the Software.

We may disclose Personal Information, or any information you submitted via the Software if we have a good faith belief that disclosure of such information is helpful or reasonably necessary to: (i) comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request; (ii) enforce our policies (including this Privacy Policy), including investigations of potential violations thereof; (iii) investigate, detect, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities or other wrongdoing, suspected fraud or security issues; (iv) to establish or exercise our rights to defend against legal claims; (v) prevent harm to the rights, property or safety of us, our users, yourself or any third party; or (vi) for the purpose of collaborating with law enforcement agencies or in case we find it necessary in order to enforce intellectual property or other legal rights.

Since we operate globally, it may be necessary to transfer Personal Information to countries outside the European Union. The data protection and other laws of these countries may not be as comprehensive as those in the European Union − in these instances, we will take steps to ensure that a similar level of protection is given to Personal Information. You hereby consent to the transfer of your and your End Users’ Personal Information to countries outside the European Union.

Third party collection of information

Our policy only addresses the use and disclosure of information we collect from you and from your End Users through the Software. To the extent that you or your End Users disclose your information to other parties through the Software, different rules may apply to their use or disclosure of the information disclosed to them.

How long do we retain the information we collect?

At any time, you or your End Users may request to change, update, correct errors or delete Personal Information by emailing us at
Please note that unless you instruct us otherwise we retain the information we collect for as long as needed to provide our services and to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements.

The Company has an archiving process that determines the period during which the information is available. After the archiving period is reached, the information is archived, and you can restore it once needed. Our default retention policy is 180 days, but you can adjust the archive policy to its needs.

We may rectify, replenish or remove incomplete or inaccurate information, at any time and at our own discretion.

How do we safeguard and transfer your information?

We are committed to making reasonable efforts, in accordance with market best practices, to ensure the security, confidentially and integrity of the Personal Information. We take great care in implementing and maintaining the security of the Software and the Personal Information. Access to the Personal Information is based on the ‘least to know’ concept together with role-based access control systems, ensuring only authorized access to the Personal Information. We employ market best practice security measures to ensure the safety of your End Users’ Personal Information and prevent unauthorized use of any such information. Although we take steps to safeguard such information, we cannot be responsible for the acts of those who gain unauthorized access or abuse our Software, and we make no warranty, express, implied or otherwise, that we will prevent such access. If a password is used to help protect your accounts and Personal Information, it is your responsibility to keep your password confidential.

What are your rights?

You may contact us at any time and request:

• To access, delete, change or update any personal data relating to you (for example, if you believe that your Personal Information is incorrect, you may ask to have it corrected);

• That we will cease any further use of your Personal Information or delete your information (for example, you may ask that we stop using or sharing your Personal Information with third parties).

If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your Personal Information, you may contact us at the addresses indicated below.

Updates or amendments to the Privacy Policy

We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time, in our sole discretion, and the most current version will always be posted on the website. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy regularly for any changes. In the event of material changes, we will notify you through our Software or by email.

Your continued use of the Software, following the notification of such amendments, constitutes your acknowledgement and consent of such amendments to the Privacy Policy and your agreement to be bound by the terms of such amendments.

How to contact us

If there are any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or the information that we collect about you, or if you feel that your privacy was not treated in accordance with this Privacy Policy, you may contact us at